intentional design + intuitive exploration


Practis is a multifaceted, woman-owned architecture studio based in New Orleans. Founded in the early 90s as Wayne Troyer Architects, the firm evolved into studioWTA in 2013 to reflect its collaborative nature. Ten years later, practis has emerged as the newest iteration of the studio—led by long-time team members Tracie Ashe and Julie Babin—grown out of a desire to further solidify the firm’s ethos of collaborative, passion-driven work inspired by a true, synergetic spirit. The name itself is reflective of the actively innovative nature of our craft — always practicing, always learning.

Like its predecessors, practis is a boutique firm specializing in architecture + design and is focused primarily in residential, commercial, institutional, hospitality, higher education, and mixed-use/multifamily work.  

As signers of the AIA 2030 Challenge, we are community builders committed to sustainability and creating lasting, positive impact for the world around us. Our team is a collective of designers and architects from a wide-range of backgrounds, interests, and expertise. We advocate for the restoration and preservation of historic buildings while simultaneously embracing contemporary design in new construction — contextualizing both new and old aspects within a space in pursuit of an architectural expression of honesty and modernity.


We believe design isn’t just about creating beautiful things. It’s about enriching lives, elevating places, and creating spaces that inspire, embolden, surprise, yet feel natural. Every space has a purpose, and every person is connected to the places around them, from the sacred to the seemingly ordinary. We believe in environments that embrace modernity, but respect the city’s history. Above all, we tenaciously pursue originality, versatility, and creativity. 

Rather than specialize, we optimize. We continuously see, learn, grow, shift, evolve. We are design agnostic and un-niched. We value quality, flexibility, and authenticity above all else. We are creators of the new, with reverence for the old. There is unique beauty in the practical, the functional. We design spaces for our community that are meant to be lived in, using materials and techniques derived from the places they inhabit.

everything we do ties back to our core truth — aligning place with purpose.



AlA New Orleans Sustainability Award, Mussafer Hall

AlA Minnesota Honor Award (associate with VJAA), Lavin-Bernick Center

AlA Louisiana Award of Merit, John P. Isché Library Commons

AlA New Orleans Award of Merit for Interiors, John P. Isché Library Commons

AlA New Orleans Award of Honor, John P. Isché Library Commons

AlA Committee on the Environment, John P. Isché Library Commons

The Rudy Bruner Award Silver Medal, St. Joseph Rebuild Center

AlA Michigan Honor Award (Detroit Collaborative)×, St. Joseph Rebuild Center

AlA Gulf States Region Honor Award, St. Joseph Rebuild Center

AlA Louisiana Member's Choice Award, St. Joseph Rebuild Center

NCARB Prize, St. Joseph Rebuild Center

AlA New York Project Award, Unified New Orleans Plan

AlA Louisiana Honor Award, Unified New Orleans Plan

AlA Gulf States Region Honor Award, Wall Residential College

AlA Louisiana Award of Merit, Wall Residential College

AlA New Orleans Award of Merit, Wall Residential College

One of three firms featured in the AlA Regional Modernist Exhibit at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art


AlA Louisiana Award of Merit, Sophie Wright Place

Architect's Newspaper Best of Design Awards Honorable Mention

Sophie Wright Place AlA New Orleans Honorable Mention

Sophie Wright Place Louisiana Landmarks Society Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation

Hotel Peter and Paul AlA New Orleans Honorable Mention. Jefferson Presbyterian Church

AlA Gulf States Region Award of Merit, Arthur Roger @434

AlA Louisiana Award of Merit, Arthur Roger 434

AlA New Orleans Award of Merit, Arthur Roger@434

AlA Small Projects National Award, PJ's Coffee

AlA Gulf States Region Honor Citation, PJ's Coffee

AlA Louisiana Award of Merit, PJ's Coffee AlA New Orleans Award of Merit, PJ's Coffee

AlA New Orleans Award of Honor, studioWTA Offices

AlA Gulf States Region Honor Awards, studioWTA Offices


5940 Magazine AlA Louisiana Award of Merit

AlA New Orleans Honorable Mention

Rice Mill Lofts Louisiana Landmarks Society Excellence in Historic Preservation Award

AlA Louisiana Award of Merit

AlA New Orleans Award of Merit for Adaptive Reuse

Associated Builders + Contractors New Orleans/Bayou Chapter Award for Excellence in Construction
511 Marigny Louisiana Landmarks Society Excellence in Historic Preservation Award

Associated Builders and Contractors New Orleans/Bayou Chapter Award for Excellence in Construction
The Pythian AlA Louisiana Merit Award

Downtown Development District Downtown NOLA Award The Pythian: Downtown Development District Downtown NOLA Award, AlA New Orleans Honor Award

Louisiana Landmarks Society Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation Commercial Restoration/ Renovation
